Last Year was
The Year of the Dishcloth and this year is turning into
The Year of Socks. For the simple reason that despite already having sock yarn I bought more last year. At the beginning of the year I had enough yarn to knit 11 pairs of socks. I have knitted 5 pairs of socks and am working on another pair so I should have yarn enough for 5 pairs of socks - enough to take me through to the end of the year. Wrong! I bought some sock yarn - just one ball, was given some sock yarn and the spousal unit bought me some when he was in Finland. But if I continue knitting at least one pair a month I will finish the year with much less sock yarn than I started the year.
To help me use all this sock yarn, I joined a group on Ravelry called Sock Knitters Anonymous for those addicted to sock yarn and maybe knitting a sock sometimes. Each month there is a theme and a chance to win (knitterly) prizes. The good thing about this group is the amazing patterns that other members reference or make; the bad thing about this group is the amazing patterns that other members reference or make.
To give you an idea, here's a (poor) picture of the sock I am currently working on.
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