Knit Meter

Saturday, September 21, 2013

An Update

Or is this a pointless post?

So things have improved a bit since my last post. The baby jacket has had its ends sewn in and buttons sewn on. Now just needs to be mailed off before the baby is bigger than the jacket.

I bought an "Easy Attacher" (their quotation marks) Kit to attach the snap fasteners and it worked. Just one little problem. After much deliberation as to where the fasteners were to be placed, I decided I didn't like the result. This meant the fasteners had to be removed from the knitted item without damaging it. I managed to remove one and DH removed the other without bending the snap - I squished the one I removed. Attaching new ones to the knitted object did not go so well as the first time the prongs did not all go into the socket and this stopped the snap from snapping so it had to be removed and a new one added which took two attempts as nothing attached to anything at first.

An easy project was started that is suitable for knit meets and sub-titled films.

And a sewing project was finished.

Much better outlook than yesterday.

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