Luckily in each case the sex of the baby was known so I did not have to worry about the parents being concerned about boy or girl colours.
I made a hat for a person I come into contact with on a professional basis. You do not know how hand made gifts are going to be received in such cases, but you can’t usually go wrong with a hat. And I was right. The mother loved it.
This is a pattern I have made a couple of times before, it is not hard but does have some interest, also as it is all garter stitch it is stretchy so no need to worry about if it will fit. Although I have knit this pattern before, all through the knitting I was doubting if I even liked it, to the point where my husband said to make something else. I did not like this until it was completely finished. The yarn was left over from a cardigan I knitted earlier this year for my niece.

The second item I made was for a colleague of my husband’s who is expecting a boy in January. The yarn was purchased on the San Diego Yarn Crawl especially for the baby. It is an American organic cotton as I did not know the parents feelings towards fiber for their baby. This is the forth time I have made this pattern – Easy Baby Cardigan – I decided against the hood as I thought that might be too heavy in cotton. I am really pleased with the buttons. When the only choice for in person button shopping is Jo-Ann’s I often have to make do but this time I got what I wanted.

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