Knit Meter

Monday, March 30, 2020

Knitting in the Time of Corona

I started the year with nine WIPs with a plan to finish those as well as use the yarn I had bought in the closing down sale and knit for charity. The only projects I should start that do not fit in those parameters is gift knitting. So I had no right starting two new projects just because I'm self-distancing. OK to be fair one is a CAL with my two knitting buddies that I meet on a regular basis. These meetings are now video. We thought it would be fun to have a knit-along (except we ended up with a crochet along). This involved us agreeing on one pattern that we could make with yarn in our stash. Not an easy job; although we each had a few suggestions. Then I was going through yarn I had been given because somebody was going through stash and getting rid of leftovers and I thought, I could make a shawl of many (OK 3 or 4) colours with this yarn. So a pattern that was an early suggestion was chosen. And, thus, three Virus Shawls were started.

But not to be beaten by this extra time I have and actually finish something, I found a mystery KAL. This is hosted by Arne and Carlos, designers out of Norway known for their colourwork. I have never made any of their patterns, but this was a way to use up leftovers as you are making a square every day. The KAL was already a week and half in when I found it so I just started on the current day and will catch up when I can. For example, there are no squares on the weekend so I can get two extra worked on those days.

This is the first square I made. I made slight changes to the way it is worked. Two edge stitches either side are worked in garter stitch and the first three and last three rows are all knit to give a small garter stitch edge.

This was before blocking - I have been very good and sewn in all ends when I have finished the knitting - and the yarn is in the photo to show how much of the background colour I had left when I finished the square - not much.

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