Last weekend I sewed in all the ends and this week I blocked the mitts so I can show them off at last.
These were an advent knit Along over the first 25 days of December, although you could start the cuff before that date. There was not much knitting each day and when I did get behind it was easy to catch up. Except for the final day when the tops and thumbs of both mittens were knit. If I had opted for the fingerless mitts they would have been finished as the last day was just for two short thumbs but the other two options – full mittens or flip-top mittens involved a lot of knitting.
Each day’s knitting up to this point was between five and nine rows but the last day had 17 rows for the mitten top and 20 rows for the thumb. I completed the tops on the 25th and the two thumbs during the rest of the week to finally get all the knitting finished by the end of the year.
It was nice to have an interlude that wasn’t one of the WIPs I was desperately trying to finish before year end and a quick project that wouldn’t be a WIP for ever. And to have a fun project at the end.