This past weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada. Monday is a holiday but families have their meal on any of the three days. From what I can ascertain the meal is pretty much the same as American Thanksgiving.
We celebrated last night and invited 2 English families to join us - one of which have been in Canada for just a couple of months. The nice thing about having the meal in the evening is that I had the day to prepare the meal and didn't have to prepare everything the night before and get up early to put the turkey in the oven.
It was all going well with no rush until I removed the turkey from its packing. Phew the smell. The turkey was off. Had to pack it back up, find receipt, and husband hot footed it to the store to get another one. This he accomplished within half an hour so I was not too delayed in the cooking. Although it was not a pleasant experience for him having a stinky turkey in the car and he felt really sorry for the guy on the service desk who had to accept the rank animal.
One good thing came from this. The turkey was refunded at the price we paid and then husband had to buy another one. Well they were now half price. So at least we saved money for our troubles.