The yarn is Biography by Fable Fibers. I had three skeins and used all three, although the same colour, they are quite different. The pattern is Aléantine which I found courtesy of Ravelry, of course. As I had a limited amount of yarn, I did not complete the full number of rows from the pattern, also, I did not thread ribbon through the eyelet holes. I did when I first finished the top but did not like the look. I'm not keen on the picot edge on the armholes but not a lot I can do about that now. If I was going to make this pattern again, I would decrease some stitches on the row before the sleeve cast off row so that the picot edge did not stick out so much.
The mother of the baby who received the items in my last post was very pleased with them, especially the booties as she said they stayed on.
I still have a few things on the needles but a couple are for Christmas presents, so I will either have to finish some non-gift items pretty quickly or post about something not related to my knitting.