Here's the right side
which is the second one knitted and shown here.
And here is the wrong side
which I showed here not noticing that I was showing the inside. I think I prefer this side.
Last month I finished three items, one of which is a present so can't be shown yet. First is a baby cardigan knitted with Berroco Elements. Common Threads had a sale before the Yarn Crawl and this is the only yarn I purchased; once again I agonized over the pattern and ended up with Wee Bean by Taiga Hilliard. She has a lot of children's patterns on Ravelry, many of them free. I worked more rows between the buttonholes and continued them down the front, if I make this again I will space them out more, and added two rows of garter stitch just after the armholes. I bound off with just a few inches to spare.
The other finished item is socks (of course).
The yarn is Show Stealer by Leading Men Fiber Arts a merino, cashmere, nylon, sock yarn in the colorway "Fox Says What".
The challenge for November was all about fraternal and mirrored socks and as I didn't know how this colour would show patterns I chose a simple pattern - Zigzagular Socks. From the blurb on Ravelry - This pattern is my solution to the variegated yarn conundrum - that one where a gorgeous skein of yarn refuses to knit well in a pattern, but the thought of yet another totally stockinette sock is too monotonous to bear.
I have started to make changes to all the socks I knit:- work the leg in a larger size needle; have two or three garter stitches on each side of heel flap; work heel flap to length I like.