I haven’t posted on here for a while as there hasn’t really
been anything to show. But I have been working through new and old projects.
At the beginning of the year I said that I was going to
finish the smaller quilt first but I need backing fabric for it and I haven’t
found what I want to use yet so rather than hold off on sewing I picked up the
large quilt. My sewing arrangements have changed this year. Furniture was
rearranged when we decorated the house at Christmas and after everything was
put away, I left the furniture in the new positions so that I could leave my
sewing machine out. This has definitely made a difference in my sewing as I can
just sit down and sew when I want and not have to bring the sewing machine
downstairs to the dining room everytime and put it away every time. My sewing
cabinet is fine for clothes sewing but not large quilts which need a table to
hold them.
I decided to fit the darning foot and quilt in random
circular patterns on the black fabric. The great thing about that is that you
have to get really close to see the quilting and from a normal distance it
looks quite good. My one disappointment is that the fabric on the back of the
quilt is not completely flat.
The quilting is completely finished and the quilt just needs
to be bound. I do not want to turn the backing fabric to the right side as I
did on my last large quilt as I used two fabrics for the backing. And I was
thinking it was going to take me longer to decide on the binding than to
actually attach it to the quilt. So you can imagine my joy when I was checking
my left over fabric from this quilt and found binding strips already cut. All I
have to do is join them.
I’m really looking forward to this quilt being finished
because I do like it and it is a good lesson in finished is better than perfect
and prevarication lasts longer than the time to actually do something.
On the knitting front I have been working a few rows every
day on my old projects. I have not been so lucky on my new projects. Vertices
Unite is an easy project and the first section is garter stitch in two rows
each of two colours. The first half is increases and the second half is decreases.
Last week I had reached the end of the section and decided to check my knitting
before cutting yarn and noticed right at the start of the decrease section that
I had knit four rows of one colour. I could have left it as it would have been
unnoticeable in the finished item but I knew it was there. So I undid 160 rows
and most of my knitting this week was getting this project back to where it
was. And, yes, I still managed to knit four rows of one colour instead of two.
But at least this time the most I pulled out was 20 rows.
I worked the next section of my Advent socks. It is the
first colourwork section and a quick knit. Also, as we are in a new month I
started a new project. I decided to take part in the Sock Knitters challenge,
knitting a pattern from one of the featured designers as I had yarn that I
thought would be perfect.
Here’s a picture of the leg. The pattern is Brown Eyed Girl by Louise Roberts and the yarn is from SpaceCadet.
And here is a picture of the next section of the Advent