I had the misfortune to experience some very rude customer service which I was considering blogging about and that put all other blog thoughts on hold. Today I decided to post about knitting.
What didn't happen in July? No dishcloths. I have been disappointed with the mystery dishcloths from the Yahoo group just lately and as I don't have a vast amount of dishcloth cotton left, I took a break. Never fear, plenty of socks were knitted.
The socks blogged about here were finished on 1 July so count as July knitting.
The challenge in Sock Knitters Anonymous for July was:
Any sock designed by Wendy Johnson
Mystery Sock
The mystery sock was designed by Stephanie van der Linden and I even bought yarn specially for the project.

I finished the first sock in July but the second one is going very slowly.
The second sock I cast on was a pattern by Wendy Johnson from Socks From The Toe Up, a book I checked out from the library. This is another reason I have not blogged as it has taken a long time to get a decent photograph.

I had bought the yarn in December last year and had already tried one pattern which didn't work with the yarn so I am really pleased with how they turned out. As I was so disgusted with my ribbing on the last socks, with these socks I worked the knit stitches on the cuff through the back loop.
I finished these socks in July and as there is not a challenge in August, I cast on another Wendy Johnson pattern. This time from Toe Up Socks For Every Body, another book from the library. I am using yarn purchased on last year's yarn crawl.
Also completed in July were two squares crocheted for charity. I unpicked the scarf to the right length so all I have to do is sew the ends in.
I need to get a move on though to finish 3 socks by the end of the month.
1 comment:
Great looking socks! What is the yarn in the first picture?
Looking forward to meeting the group at the loop now that I've finally made it to Calgary.
Ravelry: JConklin
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