I have seven finished projects, of varying sizes, to show you. Which is a great number of finished items but I still have many WIPs (works in progress) not helped by casting on two easy projects recently. One of these is a project I had to cast on so that I had something at book club and the other one was so that left over yarn didn’t sit in my stash. I have also been working on the shawl/wrap that has been on my needles for ever.
I am going to show these in finished order, oldest to newest.
Firstly is the this-close-to-finished shawl, started in August 2013. I’m not sure why it took so long, there was a delay in finding beads and adding beads to a project takes time but it’s finally done and I love it. It is so light. The yarn is TOFUtsies which is a sock yarn that I was given. I had used this yarn for socks but it did not wear well, a search on Ravelry came up with this pattern. I have another ball of this yarn that I was given and that will become something lacey too.
Next off the needles was a hat I started so I had something to work on at book club. I had a ball of yarn that I really didn’t know what to do with so it became a baby hat. Unfortunately it didn’t use the whole ball but I wasn’t going to undo the whole project and knit the next size. The pattern is Barley by Tin Can Knits, a free pattern in many sizes and the yarn is Lanaloft by Brown Sheep. Not sure what I am going to do with this as it is baby size but needs to be hand washed.
I had a busy day at the end of June and finished three projects.
A shawl made from some special handspun given to me when I left Calgary; a purse which was meant to be for the May Grey Knit Along, using yarn left over from these socks; and a knitted scarf for Operation Gratitude using yarn I had won also shown in the post with the socks.
Then it took me until the end of July to finish another project. Another hat for Operation Gratitude and a day later a pair of socks which were for the July challenge – self-striping. The yarn had been in my stash for a little while and I had tried using it with a different pattern in a previous self-striping challenge.
The skirt is completely finished but it will be a while before photos are taken; I have started to sew together the toy but I need to buy more stuffing; I will make a hat for Operation Gratitude and, depending on the pattern, a tea cosy; the easy projects shouldn’t take too long, so I hope to have a few more finished items to show this month.