I have seven finished projects, of varying sizes, to show you. Which is a great number of finished items but I still have many WIPs (works in progress) not helped by casting on two easy projects recently. One of these is a project I had to cast on so that I had something at book club and the other one was so that left over yarn didn’t sit in my stash. I have also been working on the shawl/wrap that has been on my needles for ever.
I am going to show these in finished order, oldest to newest.
Firstly is the this-close-to-finished shawl, started in August 2013. I’m not sure why it took so long, there was a delay in finding beads and adding beads to a project takes time but it’s finally done and I love it. It is so light. The yarn is TOFUtsies which is a sock yarn that I was given. I had used this yarn for socks but it did not wear well, a search on Ravelry came up with this pattern. I have another ball of this yarn that I was given and that will become something lacey too.
Next off the needles was a hat I started so I had something to work on at book club. I had a ball of yarn that I really didn’t know what to do with so it became a baby hat. Unfortunately it didn’t use the whole ball but I wasn’t going to undo the whole project and knit the next size. The pattern is Barley by Tin Can Knits, a free pattern in many sizes and the yarn is Lanaloft by Brown Sheep. Not sure what I am going to do with this as it is baby size but needs to be hand washed.
I had a busy day at the end of June and finished three projects.
A shawl made from some special handspun given to me when I left Calgary; a purse which was meant to be for the May Grey Knit Along, using yarn left over from these socks; and a knitted scarf for Operation Gratitude using yarn I had won also shown in the post with the socks.
Then it took me until the end of July to finish another project. Another hat for Operation Gratitude and a day later a pair of socks which were for the July challenge – self-striping. The yarn had been in my stash for a little while and I had tried using it with a different pattern in a previous self-striping challenge.
The skirt is completely finished but it will be a while before photos are taken; I have started to sew together the toy but I need to buy more stuffing; I will make a hat for Operation Gratitude and, depending on the pattern, a tea cosy; the easy projects shouldn’t take too long, so I hope to have a few more finished items to show this month.
Love your work. My favorite are your shawls. Well done, you are fast. lice
You do beautiful work, really like your shawl. They are one of my favorites. Take care Alice
Thank you Alice.
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