Today I have two finished items to show. Firstly the gnome. Here he is enjoying the sunshine.

After a pretty crappy winter we are back to sun and warmth. This was an easy mystery-knit-along to keep up with and I was able to use all left over yarns. I had picked out my colours before the pattern was released but changed my mind about the beard colour when we knit a leaf on the end of the hat. All the knitting was finished by 26 March but it took me a week to sew on the features. I was concerned that the beard was a bit too long and was thinking about reknitting it on a smaller needle. In the end I kept it and am happy with it.
The other finished item are some fingerless mitts which were supposed to be a hat! It had already been cast on twice as a hat but I wasn’t feeling the love and went for mitts. I am glad that I did as I like the finished project. Although having said that, I would put the buttonholes closer to the edge, I would make the edges the same stitch (the buttonhole band is moss stitch and the button band is rib so the gauge is different) and I would have the cable pattern on the back of the mitts rather than close to the buttons. Despite all that I like them. I took them with me when I purchased buttons but still managed to buy slightly too small buttons so I sewed down the inside edge of the button band. After all I couldn’t see myself undoing and doing up the buttons.

The pattern is Zeppelin Mitts and the pattern for the gnome is Gnome-de-Plume.
I’m still working away on the cardigan for my granddaughter. The collar is taking forever but I need to hurry up and finish the whole thing before the weather is too warm.
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