Knit Meter

Sunday, July 10, 2022

More Socks

I have been knitting away (and sewing) but this year’s knitting has been, big projects, gift knitting that can’t be shown and hats and socks.

So here we are with another pair of socks. These were for June’s challenge and a nice break from the last pair as these did not need the same amount of concentration. In March I explained my own restrictions on what I could knit for a challenge. This was, mainly, to stop me from knitting for the sake of a challenge and to use patterns I already own. June was the exception I allowed myself as one of the designers was Rose Hiver. I have been following her progress in the SKA group as she became more confident of offering her patterns to the general public and then charging for them. I had encouraged her from the outset to make her patterns paid for but she was reluctant at first. 

For this challenge, I knit Harvest Dew using Round Mountain Fibers yarn that I had purchased in the last closing down sale. This pattern really lends itself to highly variegated yarn. My plan was to knit the cuffs, heels and toes in a plain colour but I ended up using the plain colour only on the cuffs. I was halfway through the first heel when I remembered I was going to use different yarn and decided not to frog back. I didn’t use the plain yarn for the toes as I was continuing the pattern while working the toe decreases. This does mean that there is plenty of that yarn left for a complete pair of socks.

I was surprised at how much yarn this pattern used, About 70g of the main colour and I did not work them as long as usual as the yarn is stretchy. I soaked (in Soak) and blocked these to show off the pattern and to soften up the yarn.

I found that photographing these on top of my laptop showed the colours best but did mean that I had to get rid of the background distractions as best as i could.

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