Knit Meter

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

WIPping Wednesday 2022 Style

As I haven’t been posting much I was going to do a six-month round up of all my WIPs. I have been doing this when there has been the yearly challenge of WIP finishing and at the start of the year but I think I was too embarrassed to say how many projects I have on the go.

Finishing projects I started at the beginning of the year has been slow as there has been so much gift knitting, all of it from stash, whether new yarn or leftovers. Plus I have four knitting projects and one sewing project that need buttons and I am going to have to go button shopping. Which involves waiting for a sale or coupons and then the agonizing search for just the right ones. Having these almost but not quite finished projects adds to the feeling of too many projects and never finishing anything.

I usually have a hat and socks on the needles, although I don’t start new ones at the beginning of the month unless I have finished the previous month. There is no specific challenge in August in the Sock Knitters group so I have another month to finish July’s cast on.I haven't started a hat for August yet and I think that is from the feeling of too many WIPs. I'm not even sure if at this point I will make a hat this month and just work on the gift knitting.

I stopped working on the blanket squares from the swap yarn when I had to order more yarn. I did not pick it up again as I decided it would be better to concentrate on the two cardigans. (One of which is nearly finished. The other is the lace cardigan, which I work on every week and am on the last part, although it is the biggest part because the sleeves and body have been joined.) I have used half of the swap yarns and just realized it is August, so I better get going if I want to get all the squares completed by December.

I have two easy hat projects in the car. This is because I got to the top decreases on one and the pattern said place markers. I could have done it without but chose not to. As we were at the start of a 2+ Hour drive I started a crochet hat.

I have one other project that I started at the beginning of the year which has not been touched for a long time. It is a crochet project which was put to one side when I started the Tunisian crochet make along: and there it can stay until I have finished some of these WIPs.

So there it is, a WIPping Wednesday update. All I have to do now is finish some things so I can have a Finished Friday.

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