Knit Meter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Working From Both Ends of The Ball One At a Time


In my last post I said that I did not want to cut yarn so I just cast on the second mitt form the other end of the yarn. Let’s fast forward a few days to a problem with knitting my socks two at a time. I really wanted to use a certain yarn for the socks that I cast on this month as I thought it would work so well with the pattern but it is yarn leftover from a different project. To ensure I did not run out of yarn before finishing two socks, I decided to work the socks toe up two at a time on one circular needle. This was fine for the foot as the pattern was worked on half the sock but problems arose once I was on the leg as the pattern is a traveling pattern that moves around the leg. This means that there are rows where stitches need to be rearranged but the stitches are on the other side of the needle and cannot be moved on that round. There are ways of dealing with this but they are fiddly. My solution was to put one sock on double points and work on one sock at a time. But I have a limited amount of yarn - I work a number of rows on one sock and then change the other sock to double points and work the same number of rows plus some. It’s working fine, especially as my preferred method of knitting socks is with double points.  

I find it interesting that I have two active projects needing the same solution. In neither case is the resting project in the way.

Current status if the mitts showing both attached to one ball of yarn.


And the socks - which are inside out as that is how I tend to knit in the round.

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