Two pairs of socks and two dishcloths in January. Was I able to continue in February? No and yes. Although I posted two pairs of socks for January, the January mystery pair was not finished until 19 February. I started a sock on 1 February to fit the theme but had to admit that not only was it too big but the yarn didn't show the pattern. I put aside all thoughts of socks in February until I finished January's mystery. February's socks were subsequently started on 19 February and I have finished one sock.
I fared better with the dishcloths making both the patterns.
The one for the beginning of February is smaller which I find better for dishcloths. If I had known this, I could have used left over yarn but that is all part of the mystery. I sent this one to my Mum.
Here is the one for the middle of February. By the number of cast on stitches I realised it was going to be bigger so used a new (in the stash) ball of cotton. This was a good thing as it took 40 grams of yarn. Although this could have been worked in two or three colours.

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