Somehow I have managed to cast on three projects this week.
This year I wanted to make a concerted effort at using yarn that I had been given but had put this off to make the baby clothes. I started with the yarn that I knew what I wanted to make from it (or so I thought), I even had set up a project bag with yarn, pattern and needles for when I was ready. Except I changed my mind a few rows in. I started the Speargrass hat pattern as I had heard people say that it was a good pattern for handspun yarn. I had less yardage than called for in the pattern but wasn’t too worried as I would make the hat less slouchy. I wasn’t worried about yardage up until I cast on. And then I became more convinced that I would run out of yarn before finishing the hat. So I pulled it out and started One Night Hat. I’m much happier with this pattern, although by the time I finish it, it will not be hat wearing weather.

The next cast on was a mystery knit along that started on Monday. There was a big lead up from announcement to start of the MKAL. As you can probably tell from reading this blog, I do like mystery knit alongs. This one is for a gnome! And I can use left overs. This is the first clue which is part of a hat.

These are the yarns I am going to use. The pink is for the hat and the purply is for the body and one of the other two colours will be the beard.

I am not concerned about this MKAL. There are many, many people taking part, it’s a small project using leftover yarn, the designer has already published other gnome patterns.
The final cast on was for Pi day. I didn’t have a Pi day project last year but was keen this year as I had pattern and yarn. The yarn is a merino/silk blend that I purchased on the LA yarn crawl last year and the pattern is Evenstar. This is the start.

So once again I have way too many WIPs but I like seeing all the lovely yarn on the needles.
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