Tomorrow the third annual knit along for finishing WIPs starts in the Yarniacs group on Ravelry. The first year the aim was to finish projects that had been started for other knit alongs. Last year it was expanded to include all works in progress and I did very well in completing or frogging projects. Although looking back, many of the projects were small, but it did mean that I started 2019 with only four projects on the needles, three of which I had started on 1 December. I do not think I will be able to achieve that this year as I have many projects that are not very far along but I am going to try to work on one project until it is finished and then pick up another. (In all my counts of works in progress I am not included the mitred squares.)
I currently have ten WIPS. Here they are in one big bag; then laid out, from left to right, in order that they were started; and finally showing each project.

1. My oldest project was started in March 2018. I started it as I wanted to get my oldest yarn on the needles. It is a cardigan in worsted weight yarn so if I finished it by the end of the year I actually have a chance to wear it in our “cold” months.
2. Next is the Advent shawl I started last year. This needs to be frogged as I made a mistake and that made me check my yarn and I realized I would not have enough to finish. I haven’t frogged yet as I want to show it to my knitting friends.
3. My new year cast on – Viajante. This is a very easy but large knit. The only reason it isn’t finished is that it only gets worked on when I need an easy knit.
4. Socks. This is the second sock. The pattern is Monkey which I have knit before but three of us decided to all knit it. I agreed as long as there was not a deadline for finishing.
5. Pi shawl. I started this on Pi day in March and thought about finishing it on Pi day in July. When I knew there was no way that was going to happen, I made it into a year long knit. I work a few rows each week to keep up to date and will continue to do that through the WIP KAL.
6. A shawl I started on vacation in June. This particular vacation I only took new projects and I completed one. The yarn and pattern are lovely but I will likely save it for vacation knitting next year.
7. Another project to get yarn on the needles. In this photo I am showing projects but not yarn so you cannot see the two yarns I am using in this project. I wanted to tone down one of the yarns, and I have certainly achieved that.
8. My Palm Springs project. The variegated yarn is named Palm Springs and was dyed especially for Stitches SoCal 2018. So I had to wait until we were in the Nine Cities area to cast on. We were actually in Palm Springs in September so that was when it was started although I did not progress as much as I would usually as we had grandchildren with us. We will be returning before the end of the year so hope to get close to finishing.
9. This year I wanted to make an effort in using yarn that I had been given; so I always have a project with gifted yarn on the go. I finished one such project recently (final pictures still to be shown) so another project had to be cast on.
10. I haven’t crocheted anything for ages and I find it is a useful project when I am a car passenger. I have started and pulled out a number of hats this year. On the yarn crawl, stores are supposed to give out free a knit and a crochet pattern. I liked the crochet pattern from one store so much that I started it on a car journey last weekend. Although I love the yarn and pattern, which aren’t showing in this photo, this will be a long term project.
So there it is, all my WIPs. When I first thought about what I wanted to work on during this knit along (which goes through to the end of the year) I set a target of 5 projects. Which was very ambitious considering that most of the projects are not a quarter complete. Also there will be some cast ons during this period as I want to make Christmas presents and have an Advent cast on. Initially, I thought to start with the project closest to being finished (socks), then I thought I should start with the oldest project, but I have decided that the project to work on first, is my new year cast on. It is likely that I will want to start something new on 1 January 2020 so it would be a good idea to have finished the project I started on 1 January 2019. It is an easy knit but a big one.
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