Knit Meter

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I am sure that there are many women who complain about mansplaining but are adept at whitesplaining. In my last post I said we don’t need saving, we certainly don’t need white people to explain racism.

What have I seen recently? A white woman calling a person of color a nazi because the POC did not agree with the views of the white woman; a white woman feeling uncomfortable with Morgan Freeman’s idea on how to end racism because what he said wasn’t right; a minority being told that they weren’t doing enough for BIPoC.

I have also read where someone said of course they like Jews, their pets have Jewish names. I’d like to think they were being ironic but in light of other things they have written and said I was inclined to believe they were serious.

But while all this ‘splaining has been going on, no hand has been given to minorities but it has allowed anger into these spaces to match the anger of the so-called allies resulting in BIPoc/BAME persons being verbally attacked. But “that’s not my fault, I’m protecting those poor black people”.

I really should finish with that statement but I wanted to add just one more thing that I read recently. “I believe firmly in empathy and understanding and forgiveness.” Isn’t that great? Except the person writing that did so in respect of their expectations of another person – not that that was how they were going to live their life.

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