Knit Meter

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Start of the Second Half

I’ve been very quiet just lately. Mostly because I have not had any finished knitting to show but also because all my thoughts about blog posts have not made it to print.

Looking back at my post after finishing my mini WIP-along, I am not sure if I ever said what was still on the needles at the start of the second-half of the year. First, the projects which don’t count – four blankets. Two of them are year-long projects and even when the knitting is complete they have to be blocked and three strips joined to make a blanket and then any edgings of my choice added. In other words as long as I have the completed components I am not going to stress if I do not have a finished blanket at the end of the year. The other two blankets are scrappy, leftover projects without a fixed end date.

At the beginning of the second half I had three projects:- a cardigan, a pair of socks and a baby gift and in July I cast on two pairs of socks. Although it reads as if I cleared the WIPs and then added a load more I am keeping the numbers low as currently I have just two projects in addition to the blankets. Although they will increase soon as vacation is coming up and I will start a hat in the car and when the cardigan gets to concentrate part I will need an easy project to replace it.

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