Knit Meter

Friday, January 18, 2013

Consult a Doctor Before Starting Any Programme

You know all exercise programmes and diets say this. It is a CYA because the purveyors/promotors of these regimes do not want bad publicity or to be sued.

I have always ignored this advice. After all, I am not stupid enough to do something which is going to hurt me. Surely not. But the balmy days have gone to my head and I embarked on a popular exercise routine that has done me more harm than good.

For a long time I have wanted to follow the Couch to 5K programme. I don't know who came up with the concept but there are plenty of examples on the internet. I liked the idea of the running increasing each week and that there was a goal at the end of 9 weeks. I was really keen on being able to say that I had run 5K. Without the limitations of work and weather there was no excuse not to start the programme, which I did the week after Thanksgiving (US). Three times a week I went for a walk/run and upped the running time each week according to the progamme. I felt really pleased with myself after each session and, although, it wasn't easy I was able to increase the running time each week.

Then suddenly my knees started to hurt. And when I say suddenly I mean one day, not even a running day, they started to hurt. And when I say hurt, I mean really painful so I couldn't bend my knees and could hardly walk. As an aside, I have a very low pain tolerance, what can I say, I'm sensitive, and my husband usually hears about every little injury. But this time I didn't want him to know as I knew he would tell me that maybe running wasn't such a good idea. But I couldn't keep it from him when he noticed that I had great difficulty walking down the steps to the beach. And, of course, he told me that I should give up running. I really don't think he got it as to how good it made me feel.

So while I was laid up I turned to trusty Google to research how to make my knees stop hurting (don't run duh!) and what caused the problem. It seems likely that the problem is my running style, more specifically how my foot/feet land after each step. It is possible to check this out and remedy yourself by watching your feet as you run. Which sounds just as body damaging as your head collides with trees, lamp posts etc. Or you could work with a trainer.

Now I need to find another form of exercise that is not going to damage my body but will give me the same sense of achievement and well being as the running.

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