Knit Meter

Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Cheeky Advent Cast On and a Bag to Put It In

I have been working away on my WIPs and haven’t wanted to add more but I was feeling at a bit of a loss around the start of the month because I didn’t have an Advent project and the post office had lost my Advent yarn.

Rather than choose a pattern specifically designed for Advent that would take away from my time spent on WIPs, I chose a small project and worked a few rows each day. I calculated three rows a day would get it finished on the 24th but some days I worked two rows and some days four rows depending where I was in the pattern.

I chose the Clayoquot Toque by tincanknits and the yarn was some hand spun from Primrose yarns that I was given when my friend moved and it was very appropriate that I could give it back made into a hat.



I also made her a project bag out of fabric she had also given me when she moved. I tried a new-to-me pattern for the bag. It was not a hard make but I wish I had thought about the measurements before I started as I had intended to make a bigger bag.


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