Knit Meter

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Patrick Roy

This week Patrick Roy was inducted in to the Hockey Hall of Fame. He was arguably the best goal tender in the NHL; not only for his goaltending but also for developing the style of play which inspired many goalies to come. As a member of the Colorado Avalanche he could be seen working with new goalies just signed. I am glad that I got to see him play.

Roy is a French-Canadian. It is interesting that after he moved back to Canada his accent when speaking English became much stronger. His speech was in French. Whether this was because he did not feel his English was good enough (he made a joke about it during his speech) or he wanted to speak in his native tongue; I do not know. For me, I was glad he spoke in French. English is the universal language but we must not forget that it is not the first language for many sports men/women. Like it or not Canada has two languages.

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